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America’s Got Talent Season 7: Third Quarterfinals Top Four!

Once again, it would appear that both Katie’s Power Rankings and the Poll from last night coincide with the results of today’s elimination results:
1. Light Wire Theater
2. Jacob Williams
3. The Untouchables
4. All Wheel Sports

After watching the performances again, it felt like the acts as a whole was rather underwhelming in comparison to the previous week’s quarterfinals episodes. From the above I do see potential for the coveted “Million Dollar Act”, below are my thoughts as to how far the above acts could go in this series.

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July 18, 2012 I Written By

AGT Top 48 Quarter Final Performances Night 3 Commentary

This was a weird night. There were some home run acts, and some definite strike outs. At times, I felt like quite a few of the contestants took a step in the wrong direction. As I’m going back through my commentary and deciding on the power rankings, I honestly forgot about a few of the acts by the end of the night. And unlike most nights where I can’t agree with anything that Howie Mandel says, I agreed with just about everything. And Sharon was driving me crazy. I felt like a lot of her comments were way out there. I think there were some definite winners though, but it is not as clear cut as some other nights. Be sure to cast your vote for who you think will stay here, and, as always, let me know if you agree with my power rankings.

The Untouchables: As a dance group, you’ve got to be good this year, and continually deliver new, fresh ideas. Unlike many of the dance numbers this year, The Untouchables do this each time. Even just considering the fact that these kids are so young, they are pretty incredible, but I feel like they blew a lot of other dance acts out of the water. I’m not usually a big dance fan, but this group won me over. They have SO much enthusiasm and genuine talent. It was captivating, and I loved watching them. I hope that people remember to vote for them, because being the first group performing, they may be forgotten by the time everyone else performs.

Mike Price Rock Star Juggler: I didn’t remember Mike Price, but when I saw that he was a juggling act, I wasn’t super excited. I’ve seen many juggling acts in my life time. However, I have definitely never seen anyone do what Mike Price has done. While what he did was pretty col, I’m not sure I want him to go on. His act doesn’t seem as polished as it could have been. He, unfortunately, messed up a few times, which made me worry for the girl who had gasoline on her as he juggled over her. I agree with Sharon, he started out great, but really, it went down hill from there. The best part was the guy who came out with the fire extinguisher. It’s a fun act, but there was just something a little off about it.

Inspire the Fire: This group impressed me during the auditions (enough to write a post about them, at least). However, tonight my opinion was the opposite. They just seemed…off. The dancing wasn’t that great, nor was the vocals. I love what this group stands for, but it was just too amateur tonight. Even though I usually don’t agree with Howie, I felt like it was cheesy, and a “$125 act.” Compared to what we saw earlier with The Untouchables, it wasn’t even in the realm of a million dollar act. I feel bad saying this, but I have to be honest. They weren’t that great — even to the point where I wonder if they threw it on purpose.

Christin Sandu: Just the description of his act had me nervous! What he does is definitely a risk. I liked how he started out, and of course, who wouldn’t be impressed with his balancing act. So with that, it killed me that his tower collapsed. My heart broke for him, because he seems like a very genuine person. The act wasn’t that different from what I remember his audition being, but my memory might be rusty. Unfortunately, the fall sealed his fate, and I think he will be going home. I can’t imagine how devastated he must have felt. Because, as Sharon said, he should be proud he made it this far. There’s obviously something else much better in the cards for him ahead.

Elusive: As with many of the acts tonight, I was impressed in the beginning, but by the end, I wasn’t feeling it. The walking down the stairs with his hand was cool, but besides that, I remember seeing moves like this at my high school prom. I don’t have much to say about this act, but beyond the walking on the stairs with his hand, I wasn’t impressed. As many husband said after the act, there was no “wow” moment. He is inspirational because of his challenges, but I don’t think it’s enough to get him through. I would like to see a dance off between him and Turf, but I don’t know if we’ll have a chance to see that. I liked his dancing better than Turf, but that’s because Turf’s moves were kind of creepy at times. We’ll see.

Jake Wesley Rogers: I honestly have no recollection of his audition, or being in Las Vegas. For one thing, what is up with his style? When my niece looked at the TV, she said “what is up with his hair?!” He has an okay voice, but I was not a fan of the song choice. I didn’t find him entertaining, and compared to some of the other young singers in the competition, he really didn’t compare. Sorry, Jake, but I do not think this was a good performance. He seemed like he was mad at the world. I would be too though, if I had hair like that. If I had an X, I would have pressed it. Okay, that was a little harsh, he seems like a nice kid. But I just didn’t like him.

All Wheel Sports: Don’t hate me for saying this, but there act did seem a bit busy at times, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it! It was hard for me to concentrate on one single element at a time. They do some awesome things, and I think the most amazing thing is how they did all of that on such a small stage. There was an awesome danger aspect to this act, that’s for sure. Definitely one of the best acts of the night, that’s for sure. I hope they get through so we can see what else they have to offer! Howie made a good point, us viewers at home weren’t able to get the big picture of what this act was about, but after hearing the audience go wild for them, I have to believe they were even more incredible in real life.

Wordspit and the Illest: Well, this group appears to be a fan favorite. I was even a fan when I first heard them. Was it a mistake for them to do an original song, versus one that the audience would know and recognize? I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder. It was a bold move, that’s for sure. I know that a lot of people like them because they are “original”, but I just didn’t tonight. But most seemed to really enjoy them, and compared to some of the other acts, they did well.

Jacob Williams: He’s awkward. He’s nerdy. And he’s hilarious. I was laughing so much as I watched his act this evening. The comedians are really on fire this year. Jacob’s jokes are totally different from Tom Cotter’s, which I think will help him in the long run. I really hope he gets through, because he really is a neat comedian. There’s something about an awkward comedian that I love. I think that awkwardness is what makes his act even more stellar, and I agree with Howie (wow, the second time in one night?!), best act of the night!

All Beef Patty: I’ll be upfront, I can’t stand drag. But even with those personal feelings aside, tonight wasn’t All Beef’s best night. It wasn’t that fun of a performance, and to me, his All Beef’s voice sounds like something is stuck in his (her?) throat. I could see this being a great act on a smaller stage in Vegas, but as a head liner? I don’t think so. I don’t think this is an act that main stream America is going to vote for.

Spencer Horsman: This act was very disappointing. I was expecting to see Spencer, wriggling out of the steel straight jacket, and barely escaping those deadly-looking spikes. Instead, as the judges mentioned, we saw him behind a screen. We didn’t even get to see him escape; for all we know, he had help back there. It was boring, and not up to his usual intense escapes. I wish he had done something that the audience could see, because he definitely took a nose dive into loser’s circle tonight. It’s definitely unfortunate.

Light Wire Theater: This. Was. Amazing. I was left speechless after watching it. What a great way to end a mediocre night. What they do is incredible and spectacular. This was by far my favorite act of the night, and is something I would pay for my family and me to see in Vegas. There’s not much I can say to describe this act, except I hope they go to the very end. This act has got to take so much time to get it perfect, and perfect it was. Just in case you missed it, here is a link to the video of tonight’s performance.

Definitely Staying:

1. Light Wire Theater

2. Jacob Williams

3. The Untouchables

Could Go Either Way:

4. Wordspit and the Illest

5. All Wheel Sports

I’d Be Surprised if They Stay:
 6. Elusive

7.  All Beef Patty

8. Jake Wesley Rogers

9. Inspire the Fire

Going Home For Sure:

10. Spencer Horsman

11. Mike Price

12. Christin Sandu

July 17, 2012 I Written By

Katie Clark is a journalism student at Brigham Young University in her senior year. She is originally from Littleton, Colorado, and hopes to move back there after graduation. Reality television is her favorite to watch, and has enjoyed writing about America's Got Talent and A Chance to Dance. She is a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys writing (especially blogs), cooking and sewing (while spending far too much time on Pinterest finding inspiration) and being outside with her husband and son.

Who Will Advance After Tonight’s AGT Performance?

I Written By

Katie Clark is a journalism student at Brigham Young University in her senior year. She is originally from Littleton, Colorado, and hopes to move back there after graduation. Reality television is her favorite to watch, and has enjoyed writing about America's Got Talent and A Chance to Dance. She is a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys writing (especially blogs), cooking and sewing (while spending far too much time on Pinterest finding inspiration) and being outside with her husband and son.

AGT Top 48: Week Two’s Commentary and Rankings

Another 12 down. While there were some definite train wrecks tonight, I had a hard time deciding on who I think is going to move on. It seemed like there was going to be a full-on brawl between Howard and Howie after Big Barry’s act! Who were your favorites? Be sure to vote in the poll for tonight, and, as usual, if you want to skip my commentary and go straight to the power rankings, just scroll down a bit.

LionDanceMe: did not remember very well. Definitely different. I didn’t get that “on the edge of my seat” danger feeling, but it was fun to watch for the most part. Howard was right, the audience probably didn’t realize how dangerous it was, because I sure didn’t. I was pleased that they didn’t mess up. It definitely will get old fast. The act needs something new added to it if they want to really progress in the competition. I think Sharon’s martial art/lion act could be interesting. The group leader said that they stepped it up by not falling, but that doesn’t really mean they stepped it up moves-wise.

Turf: This guy had me in awe from the beginning. It’s one of those acts that leaves you just thinking “wait…what just happened?” I loved watching him in the audition stage, and Las Vegas, and I felt the same way tonight. I’ll admit, part of me was a little sick after watching it, but it’s incredible. I have never seen anyone do what Turf does. There wasn’t a lot of extra stuff, beyond the music and lights. Howie was right — there was so much emotion behind what he does, and you can tell he wants to win. I will be very surprised if he doesn’t advance tonight. Actually, I’d be disappointed in America if he doesn’t. He truly is a human Gumbi, and blew away the rest of the acts from tonight.

The All Ways: I really don’t remember these guys. And I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I really, really can’t stand the lead singers voice. The whole act just kind of seemed like noise to me, it didn’t rub me the right way. The lead singer didn’t seem to enunciate the lyrics very well. Maybe it was a bad song choice. They definitely look like rockers, but they didn’t bring the feeling I usually associate with legendary rock bands. It reminded me more of a talent show performance.

Hawley Magic: This was a great magic act during the initial stages of the competition. After the fail-of-a-magic act from last week, I was really crossing my fingers for Hawley Magic. Tonight’s act was an incredible illusion, if you ask me. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it. I really liked them, but who knows what America will think. It was a little bit slow, but a good illusion can’t be rushed, right? They do seem a bit old school, but that didn’t bother me really. Maybe I’m old school myself. I’d like to see them through, but, unfortunately, I don’t think they rank among the top four acts of the night.

LCD – Lisa Clark Dancers: Can I be honest? I wasn’t looking forward to this act. I’m not a huge fan of the dance groups on the show. I’ll be fair though, they are talented. . One thing I don’t like about dancers is when there is a complete disconnect between their faces and the dance, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. At that, there really wasn’t any wow moment to the dance. It was a little too cutesy, and compared to some of the other dancers in the competition (Turf, namely), they were definitely sub-par. The girl who spoke for the group felt like they were very unique, but I don’t really think so. I’ve seen similar moves by other groups. They won’t be going on.

Aurora Light Painters: I did not enjoy this act, I really thought I was going too, but it was boring. There wasn’t anything about it that left me wanting more. Yes, it is very different, and not a typical act, but it wasn’t very impressive ! They should have done something a lot more exciting, because I’m pretty sure this act sealed their fate: They will be going home. There’s nothing else I really have to say, but I think they should have thought the act through a little bit more.

Danielle Stallings: There are quite a few young singers in this season, aren’t there? She hit some hard notes, but overall, she isn’t my favorite. I’m going to disagree with the judges, I didn’t find her to be that memorable. But I wasn’t a big fan of Edon and he went through, so it might happen with her as well. She seems like a very sweet girl though. She was one of the better acts tonight. But was she good enough to get through? We’ll see.

Donovan & Rebecca: This duo does what the judges ask of everyone, but few seem to actually do: bring something new to every act. Donovan and Rebecca have been my favorite from the beginning. What they do is beautiful. It’s dangerous. It’s flawless. I can’t take my eyes off of the screen when they are performing. During a night where amazing acts were sparse, they shined once again, and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

Big Barry: I was surprised when he made it past his audition, and even more surprised when he got past Las Vegas. Now, if he gets past tonight. He doesn’t even sound like he is singing (it sounds more like moans and strains), and I felt like his act was more tall, attractive women dancing around him. This was a joke, and I’m appalled that other more talented singers (um, how about Mary Joyner?) didn’t get through, and he did. Maybe the judges felt there needed to be some comedic relief. It should have been pinned as a comedy act. Howie is full of it. I just wanted him to stop talking, because everything coming out of his mouth was ridiculous. I feel bad for the guy, as Howard and Sharon were a bit ruthless, but if he gets through, I’m done with this show (well, not really. But it would be tempting!)

Tom Cotter: This guy has really had a tough time breaking into the comedy scene, and he deserves some credit for not giving up. Most people would. He was on fire tonight, one joke after another. His jokes were well crafted and he did a good job executing them. The crowd seemed to eat it up, and I think he will definitely go on tonight, and straight to the finals. He’s got a great story, and isn’t that half of what makes an America’s Got Talent star?

Ben Blaque: The act inspired by Hunger Games…okay, I’m kidding. But that is the first thing I thought when I saw Ben Blaque. It might me very nervous when he said he didn’t have all the bugs worked out from his act. His assistant has got to trust him a lot, that’s some scary stuff he’s doing, especially since it is all new to his act! His bow shooter (I know, there is probably a more official name for it), sure was heavy duty. I was holding my breath during the last shot of the act. I would love to see what else he can do; I just hope no one dies if he moves on!

Tim Hockenberry: If someone could win on story alone, he’d be one of the final contenders. But since this is a talent competition…maybe he won’t be. Just kidding. He is so powerful, and one of the best, if not THE best, singers in the competition this year. I love the gritty quality to his voice. He sings with so much emotion, I had chills during the whole act. I actually agree with Howie  this time, he could be the winner of this competition. It’s weird, I agree with Howie for once, and totally thought Howard was off his rocker.

So here are the power rankings for tonight. These are who I think America will send on, not necessarily who I want to go through. I actually wouldn’t send Tom Cotter through, just because I’m not a huge fan of comedy, and I’d send Ben Blaque through. But as it stands, I don’t think it will go that way. The results show will be interesting though, as I don’t think it’s going to be completely clear cut who is going to move one.

The Four I Think Will Go On: 

1. Turf

2. Tim Hockenberry

3. Donovan and Rebecca

4. Tom Cotter

I Wish You’d Go Through, But I’m Not Sure If You Will: 

5. Ben Blaque

6. Hawley Magic

Okay, but Not Good Enough:

7. Danielle Stallings

8. Lisa Clark Dancers

9. LionDanceMe

Please, They Are Going Home:

10.  The All Ways

11. Aurora Light Painters

12.  Big Barry

July 10, 2012 I Written By

Katie Clark is a journalism student at Brigham Young University in her senior year. She is originally from Littleton, Colorado, and hopes to move back there after graduation. Reality television is her favorite to watch, and has enjoyed writing about America's Got Talent and A Chance to Dance. She is a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys writing (especially blogs), cooking and sewing (while spending far too much time on Pinterest finding inspiration) and being outside with her husband and son.

Which Four Acts Will Advance on to The Next Round of AGT Tonight?

I Written By

Katie Clark is a journalism student at Brigham Young University in her senior year. She is originally from Littleton, Colorado, and hopes to move back there after graduation. Reality television is her favorite to watch, and has enjoyed writing about America's Got Talent and A Chance to Dance. She is a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys writing (especially blogs), cooking and sewing (while spending far too much time on Pinterest finding inspiration) and being outside with her husband and son.

America’s Got Talent Season 7: First Quarterfinals Top Four!

So there you have it! The first four acts that are making it to the Semifinals of America’s Got Talent. Based on the poll that Katie put up yesterday, I say that it was a fair representation of what the general audience enjoyed from the show. In fact I agree with a lot of Katie’s choices for who was to definitely move on and who had the best chance of moving on, though I was surprised that the American BMX Stunt Team wasn’t part of the split for the Judges’ Choice, but that’s just me. The question I am wondering is who actually has the potential to be the “Million Dollar Act” in Vegas.

So below are the four acts that made it through to the semifinals and my thoughts on them as well as how far I think they are going to go this season.
Read more..

July 3, 2012 I Written By

Final America’s Got Talent 2010 Voting!

We’re finally here. This is the final America’s Got Talent 2010 voting. Now that we’ve seen the top 4 perform, it’s time to vote for who you think will win America’s Got Talent season 5. I’m not sure the performance tonight will make that much difference, but I guess we’ll see. So, start voting for your favorite.

September 14, 2010 I Written By

America’s Got Talent Season 5 Winner Prediction

When we posted this America’s Got Talent Winner poll last week I would have never been able to guess the results that we’ve seen. Usually, there’s a pretty clear cut result in the polls that we post on Pure America’s Got Talent. In fact, you, the readers, are amazing at predicting the outcome.

Plus, almost always there’s one that’s in the lead and a second one that’s close to the person in the lead, but well ahead of the rest. That’s what makes the results of our poll for the America’s Got Talent top 4 so amazing. Check out the results as of this posting:

Plus, when I checked this morning the voting was even closer. All 4 of the acts were within 24 votes of each other. This was even after a few thousand votes. Pretty amazing.

Let’s just say that this might be the first year that it really is anyone’s game on who will win AGT 2010. Of course, I’m still waiting to see the performances tonight. Many of you may have already seen it and have an opinion. I’ll post mine after I see the acts.

I Written By

Vote for the America’s Got Talent 2010 Winner

We now know the America’s Got Talent 2010 top 4. Next week will be the last time to vote, but the good thing is that you can vote for who you think will be the winner of America’s Got Talent 2010 right here and now. It’s always interesting to see how well the Pure America’s Got Talent readership is at predicting the winner of America’s Got Talent.

Ok, it’s time to vote!!

September 8, 2010 I Written By

Vote for the America’s Got Talent 2010 Top 4

Last week we posted the poll to predict the America’s Got Talent 2010 winner and even posted the results from the AGT 2010 winner voting. However, that was before we saw the America’s Got Talent 2010 Top 10 performances. Plus, you could only vote for one person in the America’s Got Talent top 10.

Thus, the following America’s Got Talent poll where you can vote for the America’s Got Talent top 4. Since 4 acts will be going through, you can vote for up to 4 acts you think should go through to the finale of America’s Got Talent. Let’s see who will be making it through to next week. Vote now!

September 7, 2010 I Written By